Spring Clean Your Life
Spring is here and it’s time to honour the age old tradition of giving the home a good spring clean.
Before you panic and think I’ve got no time to do a full spring clean, or if you dislike cleaning with a passion, I raise my hand to that statement! Read on and you will see that it doesn’t have to be such hard work.
Our grandparents intuitively knew that they needed to clear the energy of the home after having it closed up for a few months over winter, or longer if you live in a cold climate. Autumn and Winter are cooler times of the year, we close our windows and doors, and spend more time indoors snuggling in the warmth of our home. We’re often inside recuperating from winter ailments.
In spring our homes are in dire need of a breath of fresh air to release the stale, sometimes stagnant energy and to shift out the old and welcome in the new.
My son, unfortunately, caught the flu from me this winter, so our home really was choked up with stale sick energy. As soon as we were over the worst of the fevers and headaches I opened all the doors and windows letting in the fresh air and sunshine which cleared out and transmuted the old stale energy of the home.
We quickly felt better, fresher and revitalised.
Giving your home a boost can be as simple as throwing open the windows and doors, allowing the breeze and sunshine to work their magic.
A fresh breeze will blow out the stagnant stale air and energy while the sunshine re-energises and refreshes.
Or you can really give the home a good clean from top to bottom. Why not treat yourself and pay a cleaner to come in and do it for you? A good clean will ensure all nooks and crannies are cleared of dust as dust carries old energy. Floors and walls can be made sparkling fresh by usiong eucalyptus oil in your cleaning water as this is an excellent natural disinfectant, antibacterial cleanser and deodoriser.
Finish off by smudging using a natural white sage smudge stick or eucalyptus smudge sticks to further to purify and clear your home. Australia’s First Nations People traditionally use eucalyptus leaves in smoking ceremonies, similar to the sage smudging used by America’s First Nations.
A Spring clean can especially be beneficial if you or your family have gone through major changes. The cleaning and smudging process will help clear out the old making it easier to move forward and welcome in the changes you desire in your life.
Of course, you can spring clean at any time of year, whenever you feel you need for a fresh start.