Why Are You Waiting?
Are you living the life that you want?
Are you holding yourself back?
Do you love yourself enough to follow your dreams?
Are you waiting for the perfect time to start?
Here’s the hot tip, there is no perfect time to begin anything!
If you wait until all the pieces are together, you will be waiting a very long time.
If you wait till you’re perfect, you’ll have a long wait.
The perfect time to start is NOW!
It’s up to you to begin taking the baby steps toward your goals. It’s not enough to meditate on it or visualise it or pray for it. You can plan all you like, build it up mentally and emotionally, but you won’t get results until you actually start working on your dream.
It isn’t until you begin taking the steps toward the life you want, that more will be revealed. You will gain the answers and guidance necessary to direct you as you go.
How do I know this? I have been planning for literally 6 months to build on my trailer and then fulfil my ‘dream’ of owning a campervan so I will be free to travel and explore Australia. I’ve drawn up plans for the trailer, rehashed those plans repeatedly. I’ve thought, dreamt, planned for such a long time so much so I’ve bored my family silly with it all.
The closer I got to actually taking the first physical step to achieving my goals the more I felt something wasn’t quite right.
Still, I took the first step – a baby step. Just 2 days ago. I built a storage box to add to the front of my trailer. That very evening I knew that my 2 part goal wasn’t right. Yes, I was still keen to build on and adapt my 7 x 4 box trailer, but a campervan to travel the country just wasn’t feeling right. As soon as that realisation hit, other pieces of the puzzle revealed themselves. Well actually they reappeared, I had let them drift away as I followed another direction.
I now feel so much more confident, I feel lighter and brighter and ready to take the next baby step. Which, by the way, is to buy the materials for the trailer build. Yes, I have hesitation and I have doubt. Can I really do this? By myself? Will it look good? Will my grand plan be successful? I don’t know, but I must trust!
So I want you to trust and feel your way. I knew that my dream was going to become a reality, I just realised that I had added a little too much detail to my mental picture. I had over planned and imagined so far ahead that I was close to blocking out what is meant to be. Heads up – I still don’t have a complete vision of what’s meant to be, but now I know I am not getting in my own way. I am allowing the universe to deliver what is right and good for my journey and learning. I had over complicated such a beautiful and great idea.
So take one baby step at a time and allow the universe to reveal the path as you take each step.
Does that take trust? It sure does!
Can you do it?
You sure can!
Trust yourself! Let go of fear, doubt and worry.
These limiting thoughts have a lot to answer for! How many times have you stopped yourself from starting simply because you doubted yourself? Well, it’s time to stop! Treat yourself like a trusted friend and give yourself a go!
I could have very easily thrown all my ideas out the window simply because I had a niggling feeling that something wasn’t right. I am so pleased that I chose to trust my inspiration. We are inspired to achieve goals to do certain things because it’s part of the plan, part of the big picture – we have to trust. Even though we don’t know what that big picture looks like. I feel we’re not meant to know it all because its part of our learning to trust ourselves, to get in touch with and trust our feelings and our gut. It’s a part of the journey of discovery.
I’m excited and inspired, enjoying this fun ride called life.
Now, what is it that you would love to do?
What is the first step necessary to begin working toward that goal?
Will you promise yourself you will take that first baby step today or at the very latest tomorrow?
Once you’ve done this, the rest will begin to flow. You’ll have more ideas, the next steps will show themselves, you’ll feel your way, the right people and situations will come into your life – all because you trusted yourself enough to start.
Have fun, play and enjoy the process and most of all please don’t take yourself too seriously.
Just go for it!