Psychic Abilities
It is when we choose to quieten our mind and body we’re able to hear and feel these energies.
Every person has their own way of sensing and understanding the energies they pick up. If you haven’t already please read the ‘Six Ways we Sense’ below, to discover the different ways we sense our world.
We use our intuitive/psychic senses to interpret the energy of the people, animals, nature and the world around us.
It’s all About Connection
Nothing exists in isolation and we are no exception. Our aura, which is our energy field, connects with everything we come into contact with or are near. Often we’re so busy and consumed with our own thoughts we are blissfully unaware of the energies around us. We can also consciously connect with anything from afar.
While reading through the content on this site you’ll notice that I’ll often use the terms Psychic Ability and Intuition interchangeably.
According to Britannica Dictionary, the definition of PSYCHIC is
“A person who has strange mental powers and abilities (such as the ability to predict the future, to know what other people are thinking, or to receive messages from dead people): a person who has psychic powers”
Their definition of INTUITION IS
“a natural ability or power that makes it possible to know something without any proof or evidence: a feeling that guides a person to act a certain way without fully understanding why” and “something that is known or understood without proof or evidence”.
You’ll discover that both of the Britannica Dictionary definitions cover the 6 Psychic abilities that I explain in ‘Six Ways We Sense'
Inner Know How is an offshoot of Cosmic Soul. Cosmic Soul started as a place where Michelle could read and operate her spiritual based business in Redcliffe Queensland.
Inner know how strives to be more than a reading space, it’s a place to help you tap into your inner knowing and remember how to use your innate skills, a place where you might expand your knowledge. With that in mind, it is envisaged that this site will continue to evolve and grow - so please feel free to save this site and pop back occasionally to see what’s new.
Thank you.