Great Habits for Development

I firmly believe that we need to create new habits in order to change our lives and change your life you will, once you start on the road of embracing and developing your intuitive and psychic self.

It is a wonderful journey filled with synchronistic events, connections and joy as you discover just how much you’re capable of. When you work with your own energy and the energy in the natural world you’ll realise, or remember, that we are much much more than our physical bodies.

Meditate Regularly

Meditation helps relax the mind and body. When you’re relaxed you become more aware of the energies around you. Meditation also helps build awareness and connection between yourself, your higher self and source.

Pray/ Ask for Guidance

Ask your guides, angels, creator, or higher self for help in growing and developing your innate abilities. Your Guides are keen to assist in your personal growth. All you need to do is ask.

looking up into bright green tree canopy

Time with Nature

Spend time away from hustle and bustle of urban life. Make the time to get out of the four walls of your home and feel the breeze on your skin. Go to any body of water and sit by it, bathe or dip your toes in the water. Walk barefoot on the ground, lean your back against a tree.

While doing any of these things take time to notice your emotions and bodily feelings. Then imagine your energy expanding and reaching out to the trees. Pause and once again note how you feel.

Time in nature is clearing and healing, a cleared and healed energy field connects more easily and is a better antenna for intuitive information.

Man laying on stomach in green grassy field writing in a book


Keep a journal dedicated to your development. Creating a daily habit of writing down your dreams, sudden odd little things that pop into your mind and coincidences or synchronistic events. Noting the things that you just ‘knew’, the feelings you have about situations, positive or negative, plus whether you feel safe, uneasy or otherwise.

On re-reading your journal you may be very surprised at just how accurate you were with some things. Without the journal, it’s easy to forget little things that happen. Keeping a journal is great validation and promotes further development.

group of people sitting on green grass in a circle

Meet with Like-Minded People.

Join a meditation group. Attend psychic development or card reading workshops.

As with any type of education, we often learn best with others, where we are able to share our ideas, experiences and processes, ask questions and of course gain guidance from experienced teachers.

Being part of a group or community is important, a place where judgments are dropped at the door and we are accepted for our abilities. Finding the right group is key, a group that resonates with our values, where all members are treated as equals, including the teacher. Teachers have more experience, but I feel they should also be open to learning from their students. This is why, where space allows, we sit in a circle. When we sit in a circle there is no one place that sits ahead of the rest. Every participant is able to see and interact with all group members with ease.

2 small brown birds sitting on thin leafy branch with beaks open singing

Awareness of the Detail in your Surroundings

Be present and aware, and have focused attention on the details big and small. The variation of colour, shape, size and weight. Take time to enjoy what you’re seeing, soaking it in, absorbing it all, and noticing how it makes you feel.

Listen to the sounds and hone in on quieter voices and sounds to train yourself to hear in more detail. Allow yourself to be drawn into the different sounds one at a time.

five different hands palm down on timber surface

See Everyone at Soul Level

When you look at others, recognise that no matter their looks, nationality, education, religion, or financial situation they are the same as yourself and every person on the planet. Look from the heart - this removes judgment allowing you to see them as they really are, a soul experiencing their life in their individual and unique way, just as you are.

Looking with this perspective makes it so much more relaxing and easier to tune into the person you have permission to read. Realising there is no hierarchy, no better no worse, just one soul with another soul.

Open book floating mid air in dimly lit librat

Read read read

Read everything you’re drawn to while being selective regarding the source of the information.

The topics and areas of learning are endless, with one topic possibly leading to other areas that pique your interest. Follow your inspiration. Remember to pause, sit with the new information, question it, find your own answers, delve deeper and as with any new information do not take it at face value.

More on Psychic abilities

Inner Know How is an offshoot of Cosmic Soul. Cosmic Soul started as a place where Michelle could read and operate her spiritual based business in Redcliffe Queensland.

Inner know how strives to be more than a reading space, it’s a place to help you tap into your inner knowing and remember how to use your innate skills, a place where you might expand your knowledge. With that in mind, it is envisaged that this site will continue to evolve and grow - so please feel free to save this site and pop back occasionally to see what’s new.