Six Ways we Sense
Each and every one of us has our innate preferred way of perceiving the energies around us.
Some see with inner vision, others hear or feel. All methods are as valid as the next and no one way is better or worse than the other. We are all different and as such, so is our way of sensing. Many of us use more than one of the psychic senses. Personally my dominant sense is clairvoyance closely followed by clairsentience.
Below I have briefly explaind 6 different psychic abilities known as clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, clairgustance, claircognizance and clairalience.
The Various ‘Clair’ Abilities Explained
Clairvoyance is a french word that when translated, literally means clear seeing.
This is when visions, still or moving images, auras, spirit and or angels and guides are seen, usually in the mind’s eye. We see beyond the physical world using our 3rd eye.
Some Clairvoyants zone out on a blank space while their physical eyes are open. Others have their eyes closed. There is no right or wrong way, it’s whatever way suits you best.
Clairaudience literally means clear hearing.
The word audience refers to the act of hearing.
This is when we hear music, words, or any sounds that don’t come from a physical source. The Clairaudient can hear spirit, angels, guides, higher self, and those that have passed over. The chakras on either side of the head, above the ears, are the energy centres that detect these types of sound.
Clairsentience literally means clear feeling or sensing.
This is when we feel or sense things about people or situations. Often referred to as a gut feeling because the sensation is often felt in the stomach area.
The Clairsentient can be sensitive to energies, emotions or the physical state of others.
This is felt through the solar plexus chakra.
Clairgustance means clear tasting.
This is when we can taste something in our mouth without having eaten anything.
This ability most commonly happens with spirit communication.
Clairalience literally means clear smelling.
This is when smell aromas from a non-physical source. It occurs most commonly with spirit communication. Fragrances such as flowers, perfume, tobacco, oil, lawn clippings, fuel or aftershave are not unusual.
The definition of cognizance is knowledge
So we see that Claircognizance literally means clear knowledge or clear knowing.
This is when we know information about people/places/situations without any former knowledge about it. It is knowing without knowing how you know the information, there is certainty felt about the accuracy and an understanding it isn’t from the self. Claircognizance uses the crown chakra.
At a glance:
Clairvoyance = clear inner vision
Claircognizance = clear inner knowing
Clairaudience = clear inner hearing
Clairsentience = clear feeling
Clairgustance = clear taste
Clairalience = clear smell
Not everyone has all of these abilities. Most of us are stronger in one or two.
It is through practice, observation and awareness of ourselves that we will be able to discover which of the ‘Clairs are dominant within us.
You may just find yourself developing other abilities the more you learn, trust and develop.
More on Psychic Abilities
Inner Know How is an offshoot of Cosmic Soul. Cosmic Soul started as a place where Michelle could read and operate her spiritual based business in Redcliffe Queensland.
Inner know how strives to be more than a reading space, it’s a place to help you tap into your inner knowing and remember how to use your innate skills, a place where you might expand your knowledge. With that in mind, it is envisaged that this site will continue to evolve and grow - so please feel free to save this site and pop back occasionally to see what’s new.